Fraunhofer IOF at Optatec 2024

Fraunhofer IOF drives inovation - come see us and our recent developments at OPTATEC 2024

Visit us at hall 3.1 booth 610


Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF drives innovation and develops future technologies in a vast field of photonics research. From May 14 to 16, our institute will be presenting its recent developments at the OPTATEC 2024 in Frankfurt.

We cordially invite you to visit us at the international trade fair for optical technologies, components and systems. Our researchers are very much looking forward to meeting you personally!

You will find us in hall 3.1 booth 610. Learn more about the exhibition and event highlights below.


Fraunhofer IOF at OPTATEC

Experience our science live - lectures by Fraunhofer IOF at OPTATEC 2024


Meet our scientists and staff at our booth and let them show you their recent development live. Furthermore use the opportunity to discover actual research and innovations of Fraunhofer IOF by way of two lectures held by our scientists:

Dr. Erik Beckert (Opto-mechatronical Components and Systems) will give you insights into current research focuses on May 14, 11:00 AM hall 8, during the press conference.

Dr. Christian Vetter (Optical and Mechanical System Design) will present an overview of our research on May 14, 1:40 to 2:20 PM during his lecture »Mit Mikro- und Nanooptik von der Straße bis in den Weltraum« (English: "From the street to outer space with micro- and nano-optics") at hall 3.1 booth 831 FORUM.


Discover the variety of photonics research with us


At the OPTATEC 2024, our institute is going to present its latest developments. From anti-reflective coatings to assemblies for space applications and developments for automotives through to highly dynamic mirrors. Fraunhofer IOF gives you an insight in one of our core fields of research: optical solutions for a wide range of applications.

Functional Surfaces and Coatings


New sensor for direct and absolute light absorption measurement

Our compact LID sensor offers highly sensitive absorption measurement, fulfilling the need for precise testing of absolute absorption in optical materials, thin films, and fibers. It uniquely combines the photo-thermal concept with electrical calibration, allowing for versatile use with any pump light source or wavelength, without limitations.


AR-plas2® – Multifunctional antireflective coatings with Antifogging

Nature as a model for innovation- AR-plas structures mimic moth eyes, providing low-loss nanostructured layers for transparent optical components. Ideal for diverse applications, including vacuum, quantum, and laser, they accommodate various wavelengths.

Opto-mechatronical Components and Systems


EXOMARS 532 nm laser for RAMAN experiment

The ExoMars rover will examine Martian surface minerals to seek signs of extraterrestrial life. For this, a doubled 532 nm diode-pumped solid-state laser (DPSSL) was developed by Fraunhofer IOF and Monocrom S.L., with optical components built to endure Mars' unique environmental conditions.


High-precision double slit for space spectrometer

The FLEX mission aims to map global vegetation status from space, revealing photosynthetic activity, plant health, and stress. For the spectrometer on board the satellite, Fraunhofer IOF crafted a double slit assembly with exceptional accuracy as well as two high-precision mirrors.

Extending functionality with 3D inkjet printing

Customizable and highly integrated optical components and systems, such as optics with glass-like properties or the integration of LEDs and photodetectors directly into the optics, are introduced by Fraunhofer IOF with the novel 3D inkjet printing process of inorganic/organic hybrid polymers.

Precision Optical Components and Systems


Ganymede Laser Altimeter

The Ganymede Laser Altimeter (GALA) on board ESA's JUICE spacecraft uses high-precision metal optics to explore Jupiter's moon Ganymede. In collaboration with HENSOLDT Optronics GmbH, Fraunhofer IOF developed a precise laser receiver unit for GALA, under the direction of the DLR Institute for Planetary Research.


Metal mirrors, bonded prisms and gratings

The EnMAP satellite examines Earth's environment from space, revealing both the effects of climate change and potential natural hazards. Over the next five years, it will observe Earth from a distance of 650 kilometers. Its key instrument, the Hyperspectral Imager (HSI), contains eleven metal mirrors with flat, spherical, and aspherical surfaces developed by Fraunhofer IOF.



Spectrometers for reliably measuring greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere analyze the light reflected from Earth by separating it into its colors using a GRISM, which consists of a grating (GRating) and a prism (prISM). This combines diffractive and refractive properties to achieve excellent spectral resolution. At Fraunhofer IOF, an approach has been developed for joining the glass elements by direct bonding.

Optical and Mechanical System Design


Flexible microspectrometer for mobile applications

Researchers at Fraunhofer IOF have developed a very compact spectrometer module. It maps spectra from 39 optical fibers onto one camera sensor in a small space. This is made possible by a special micro-optical system. The technology, which has potential for applications in quality assurance and analytics.


Pattern Projection using Maskless Microlens Arrays

A newly developed maskless design approach describes the use of individually contoured and decentered microlens arrays in micro-optical projectors. This new method offers high transmission, new artistic design freedom and possible cost savings through injection molding for use cases in the automotive industry.

Emerging Technologies

Active and adaptive optics for laser material processing


To increase flexibility and improve process parameters in laser material processing, active mirrors are a solution for highly dynamic shifts of the focal position into the material depth. The special design of the active focus mirror enables aberration-free integration with orthogonal beam deflection.


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Micro- and Nanostructured Optics

Light-field display

Fraunhofer IOF collaborated with Berlin-based artists Dachroth + Jeschonnek to develop multi-aperture lightfield displays. These displays create a 3D effect from a 2D object's perspective. It consists of a 3-wafer stack of a microlens array (MLA) with buried mask for stray light suppression, a system aperture array and an object mask array (OMA). In contrast to a hologram, this also works with white light due to minor chromatic errors.

Tailored light diffusers

Tailored light diffusers shape incoming light into specific angular distributions and therefore achieve predefined far field patterns with remarkable efficiency.
At Fraunhofer IOF these optical elements are developed using advanced design techniques that even permit the generation of achromatic elements.

300mm Wafer-Demo

Researchers at Fraunhofer IOF have succeeded for the first time in producing a metasurface with a diameter of almost 30 centimeters using electron beam lithography. The new manufacturing technology can help build optical systems significantly thinner in the future. Such large metasurfaces are particularly advantageous for compact optics in which large deflection angles are required in a small space.

The department will also be presenting other developments from its field of expertise, including wafer-level microoptics on CMOS substrates and an RWG demonstrator.


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